"I scream. I jump. I get chills," Ashley Carmicheal 19, Elementary Education Major at Temple University describes how she feels about mice in her room at the Temple Towers, "They're disrupting my privacy and disrespting me."
Carmichael, along with her three roommates who live on the second floor of the Temple Towers, have seen 5 mice in their dorm room since January, caught two from traps provided by Temple maintence, and clean up mouse droppings on a regular basis.
Temple students have tried everything to get rid of the mice in their dorm rooms including sneaking in a cat and bobcat urine. Yet, the mice keep coming and nothing seems to work. The mice in the Temple Towers are veterans and it seems mouse traps are not going to stop them from feeding off of college students and pooping on their counters.
Temple Maintenance has not returned a phone call in regards to the mouse problem.
Are mouse traps actually getting to the root of problem or are they just bad kitchen decorations?
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